Complex Database Services, Big Data Solutions

Gathering, organizing and drawing critical insights from vast amounts of data – and doing so quickly and efficiently – requires a team of custom software and database engineers who know their way around all the most popular database management technologies and techniques.

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Explore Options

  • Database Development Services

Our expert database developers can program any model of database to fit your software needs, including hierarchical, network, relational, object-oriented, entry-relationship, document and entity-attribute-value. We use agile development best practices, so our database architects can collaborate with our front- and back-end programmers with ease to rapidly create your ideal, data-driven solution.

  • Database Application Development

We design data-driven desktop, mobile and web-based applications that leverage powerful database solutions, empowering your users to access data any time of day, from any device, and with the assurance that all their information is being transferred along highly secure channels. All our database applications have intuitive UI/UX designs, prioritizing ease of use for employees and customers alike.

  • Data Mining and Transformation

Modern enterprises require modern database solutions to handle the constant influx of information from application interactions, website inquiry forms, CRM platforms, marketing sources, financial transactions and so much more. We will architect the data flow from all your inputs and automate as many processes as possible for mining, structuring, organizing and indexing your mission-critical data.

  • Database Technology Experts

All our database engineers are required to be highly efficient SQL and PHP coders and must possess a deep working knowledge of popular database management systems like Oracle DB, MySQL and Microsoft SQL Server, as well as mobile database development tools like SQLite. We also boast a deep talent pool of specialists in programming languages and technologies like .NET, XML, AJAX, Java, jQuery and Visual Basic.

  • DbaaS Development

We design and deploy custom database-as-a service (DbaaS) solutions, or cloud-based databases, to save your organization the hassle of hosting critical big data sets on-premises. We also design easy-to-use web applications, automated services, and their corresponding APIs to make querying, editing, provisioning and analyzing your cloud data a breeze.

  • Data-Driven Analysis

Organizing your data is one thing; knowing how to leverage it is a whole other battle. We take structured data and turn it into actionable Business Intelligence (BI), generating shareable reports, automating data-dependent processes, forecasting user and market trends, and finding opportunities for improvement within your enterprise.

  • Managed DbaaS Solutions

Our database specialists will consult with you to determine the best DBaaS provider to fit your data-driven services and requirements regarding cost, scale, current workflows and future development plans. We can work with popular DBaaS providers, including Oracle, AWS (RDS, DynamoDB, Aurora and SimpleDB), Azure, MongoDB, Google Cloud (SQL, Datastore, Spanner).

  • Data Integration and Migration

We automate data transfers, merging and migrating data from various applications, file formats and Database Management Systems (DBMS) and consolidating knowledge bases and business processes. We integrate disparate data types, as well as business logic schemas, keeping to ETL (extract-transform-load) best practices and proven protocols for version control. We make sure to prioritize data integrity during every integration.


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  • Monday - Friday: 7:00 am - 8:00 pm
    Saturday - Sunday: 9:00 am - 6:00 pm

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